Over Easter break one of my family members asked how my training was going. I replied with an answer that I did not really want to share, but honesty is the best policy. After being out for a month and a half with an injury I am feeling that my training is a bit slower than I would like. I also am suffering from a bit of burn-out with triathlon. My brother's girl friend responded with,"You can't always be into it." True, no matter how much we love something it seems to come in waves or phases. So how do we get back on track and focus on what we really love if we are tired of it?
The positive part of sharing my burn-out is that it opened a door for me to figure out how to not feel that way any longer. One of the ways to get back on track for me has been to talk about and share my passion with other people. Remembering that relationships can grow and develop, as a result of any passion, is what I needed to focus on to bring me back.
I started teaching swim lessons again a few months back, and that is something that has helped me develop that love again for that third of the sport of triathlon. Sharing my gift of being a decent swimmer has brought me so much joy and renewal to the sport. Talking with parents and seeing children brighten when they are able to master a skill has left me feeling that my purpose is a balance between competing and teaching.
The other way that I have been able to share my passion is through another class that I am teaching at Lifetime Fitness in Cary, NC. The class is a masters/triathlon swimming class for adults. Here I am really able to help people that are new to the sport understand all the mechanics of swimming and beyond. Feeling needed is very rewarding and seeing adults improve on something is even more rewarding. Through teaching, I have been inspired to continue with my own training and know that I must practice what I preach if I am going to be a good teacher. Sharing my passion is holding me accountable to my training log.
I have just about a week before my first event. I am feeling stronger and more inspired to go out and do my best. This race isn't about time, but more about the journey it has taken me to get to the starting line.
The best advice has come from our Parish Priest, Father David. He speaks often of how it is not so much about what we do as human beings, but how we do it. Sharing our gifts will take us far and give us more than we thought possible.
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