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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tri Mom Strikes Again

I completed my twenty second triathlon this past Sunday at Shikellemy State Park in Sunbury Pennsylvania. My son Bryce asked as I was driving home, “Mom why do you like triathlon so much?” I’ve been asked that question many times and each time I may answer differently because there are so many different aspects of racing triathlon.

That day it was easy to answer Bryce’s question, however, and my reply was simply, “I love a challenge.” I got a big, “Oh,” from Bryce and that was the end of the conversation regarding triathlon, but it got me thinking. I really do love the challenge.

Triathlon parallels life in many ways and that is why I continue to race. Life has challenges and we as human beings face adversity often. Think of daily life and the hassles it sometimes presents. Balancing work, family, bills, and the-day-to day grind can be a challenge. Maybe you have a sick family member or maybe you are experiencing financial troubles in this weakening economy. The key is how we feel after we have faced and overcome our challenges. When I complete a triathlon I feel like I can accomplish anything; just like in life when you overcome adversity it gives you the feeling that you can reach your goals.

Triathlon, like life, is a juggling act. I used to compete in running races. Running is hard too but if you put your training time in it can be done. The challenge of triathlon is you are always trying to do well in three sports; swimming, biking, and running. When you think you have done well in one sport, another suffers, as there are only so many training hours in a day. The point is there is always something that can be done better just like in life when you are juggling multiple tasks, something or someone may be neglected.

The last few months I faced a fairly common training challenge; knee soreness. Rest, ice, compression, elevation or RICE is what athletes have been taught to rehabilitate soreness. Thankfully I was able to use another method to rehab my knee.

HydroWorx therapy pools are another tool I use to get through training challenges. The pools are unique in that there is a hose in the pool that can shoot out water at an incredible speed. The water coming out of the jet acts like a deep tissue massage on the area that you direct it to, in my case, my knee. I put the jet right on the area of my knee that was sore and within a few minutes I felt an improvement. I was able to get back to running right away which in turn got me to the starting and finish line of my last race.

There are challenges before race day and there are even more challenges during an event. Before the race started I got lost on the way to the race site as the road that led into the park was closed. Then once I found the park I had limited time to set up only to realize when I went to the registration tent I was not registered! Once I overcame those obstacles, and the race started, I was hit in the face during the swim by an overzealous swimmer. During the 25 mile bike portion of the race I experienced a cramp in my back that finally went away when I got to the 6.2 run.

Triathlon, like life, is never dull and always full of surprises, but like I said to Bryce, “I’m always up for the challenge.”

Tri on,


1 comment:

  1. you go girl !!! Congratulations on the lastest win. I can only vicariously imagine the feeling of getting half way through and being tired but continue on. It is an inner strength that does make you better in all aspects. Very proud of you. Laura
