My Blog Log

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to School/ Back to Fitness

     It is hard to believe that it is the middle of August. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I have enjoyed my summer with my two boys, but usually by this time of the summer boredom sets in. We have exhausted all the activities that summer brings, and it is time to go back to school and time to get organized.
     I love to go through my kids rooms at this time of the year and get everything from closets to desks cleaned out and ready for the new school year. I like to get organized myself, and I like to think about fitness goals for this time of year as well. I know many of you reading may have kids and the thought of getting your household organized, let alone getting organized for fitness can be an overwhelming concept.
     While any sort of fitness is never easy, I wanted to share some tips of how to get back into your exercise groove, even if you have no idea where you'll find the time.
    Tip number one for exercise is to get up a little earlier each morning and go for your run, walk, or whatever it is you like to do, and get it out of the way. It really energizes me if I can get up and exercise before other tasks start. For career folks an early morning workout can wake you up and boost your activity level for the rest of the day.
     Sometimes the early morning thing just doesn't work, but no matter what your situation, exercise can still happen. After work is harder because you naturally feel more tired, you have food in your stomach, and exercise can be thought of as one more grind. But it really doesn't have to be. Hit the gym or the park directly after work. You'll boost your momentum for the rest of the day,and feel like eating less dinner after an evening workout. If I can't workout in the morning then I use my kids sports practices to fit in my exercise. They are old enough  to be dropped at the soccer field or the lacrosse field. I fit in a bike or a run during that hour or two hour time slot.
      But what if your kids are too little to,"drop and go?" No worries, you can walk or run around the soccer field or lacrosse field. If they swim, hop into an empty lane and do some laps. When basketball is in session I run or walk around the outside of the school and sprint in to take peeks while my son practices. I have seen so many moms and dads sitting during their kids practices and it is time wasted.
     Time is always an excuse, but all you need is about thirty minutes a day to get fit. What if you don't have a block of thirty minutes? Another trick is to break up that thirty minutes into three groups of ten minute increments. Everyone has ten minutes. How often do you go on Facebook, check your email or text for ten minutes? Run around the block, take a walk, walk down and back up some stairs, do some sit-ups, or push-ups, run some sprints... get the picture? Count how many sit-ups or push-ups you can do in ten minutes, and I bet you'll surprise yourself.
     Make a schedule. When all else fails I make a schedule. Life is so busy with work, family, and triathlon that if I don't make a schedule for most things it just doesn't happen. I even schedule plans with friends and family or I just don't see anyone.
     You don't need to be a triathlete or an athlete to meet your fitness goals. Find activities that you love and get busy. Use the fall season to get organized in your life and your fitness, even if you aren't going back to school. The weather is cooler and it is a great time to start so by the holidays you are looking great for all the festivities.

Happy Training and Happy Tri-ing,


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