My Blog Log

Friday, July 1, 2011

Farewell But Not Goodbye

   I had a video about triathlon transitions to share this week for my blog but something or someone was pulling me in a different direction to write about a very important transition that I am going through now. It is not the transition from swim to bike or the transition from bike to run, but rather the fact that in one weeks’ time I will be moving my family to North Carolina to live. A little voice inside my head said the video can wait.
     Five short years ago we were faced with a decision to move to Pennsylvania for a promotion for my husband's job. When our kids were born I gave up full time work in sales to stay at home with our boys. My husband was the bread winner so when an opportunity came for him we knew it would be good for his career in the insurance industry. The move to Pennsylvania was inevitable.
     Here we are five years later moving back to the Raleigh area of North Carolina, right back where we started our family after college. As my neighbor said, “Full circle is nice." Full circle is right. I never thought I would feel sad leaving PA since I really did not have ties here but after five years I've finally felt like I was fitting in and that I had built a new life here for my family. My heart is sad in a way, but I know that once again this is the right move for my family. Once again my husband's job takes us back.
     There are many people, places and things I will miss about PA. I was able to plug into triathlon here, which is such a big part of me. I will miss the Catfish Triathlon on City Island that I have done each year since I moved here. I won't, however, miss swimming in the Susquehanna River; sorry folks but can you blame me? One year the river was so shallow triathletes were walking it. I had my first experience in the HydroWorx pool at the Catfish Tri where I got to try out the endless swim jet. I was immediately hooked and little did I know that I would develop a relationship with them.
     I will also miss the triathlon at Pinchot Park. I won't miss the fact that last year when I finished the race my son Nick informed me that they pulled out a very large black snake with fangs when they were fishing during my race. I will miss my runs on the trail and around the grounds at Messiah College. I won't miss all of those killer hills, but I will miss my running friends Susan and Fran and all the things we shared while we ran. I will miss running on the underwater treadmill at HydroWorx.
     I will miss the bike rides around here. I never thought I would say that because there are so many hills. My thick thighs are proof that my cycling has really improved, at least on hills and now I get bored on the flats. The scenery in Central PA is so beautiful and I would savor my rides taking in all the green fields and the miles and miles of farms in the area. The winding roads and the peacefulness of watching a farmer tend to his fields is something I will miss. The hard working farmer will forever be ingrained in my brain.
     I met some really good people here who are farmers that I had the pleasure of working for giving school tours. I will really miss their orchard and the fond memories of working with the schools and sharing information about what an orchard is and what happens there.
     I could name all of the great friends I've made but I think I'd like to explain what type of people they are rather than embarrass them by naming them. There seems to be one common thread in the friends that I’ve made in PA and that are God, family, country. What does that mean?
      My friends here have their priorities straight. They are not concerned with material things but rather helping others. I know of several families here that are involved in missionary work. Recently, one young man in the area travelled to South America on a mission and another family is soon to go to Costa Rica to help others find Christ. One family left the area and moved to Africa to build a new hospital.
      One friend showed up at my door after a trying time with my teenager with an apple crisp and a hug. Just being there for me when she knew I needed a friend; so much for not sharing a story.
      When ABC's Extreme Home Makeover showed up in PA, many of the friends I have here were involved in planning meals and coordinating volunteers to help a very needy family in nearby Etters. The people of our community showed up to do whatever was needed to get a very special home built for a quadriplegic.
     I have a great group of neighbors too. I will really miss hanging out in our back yards and getting together over the holidays. My neighbors would do anything to help my family, especially in the “transition mode," we've been in lately. Offers to cut grass or watch the kids or come over if I'm scared have been endless.
     Transitions are hard in triathlon and in life. I can practice transitioning for triathlon, but I can't practice some of life's transitions. What I can do is remain supportive of my family and the move and look at it as another fun adventure.

Tri- On,

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